[ExI] Efficiency of algorithmic trading

Mr Jones mrjones2020 at gmail.com
Mon May 2 17:49:46 UTC 2011

2011/5/2 spike <spike66 at att.net>

> *…* *On Behalf Of *Mr Jones
> *…*
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Efficiency of algorithmic trading
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:45 AM, Kelly Anderson:
> "You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
> >…I don't think the rich would be destroyed by having only 5 houses
> instead of 10.  Or 10 cars instead of 20.  Or 3 servants, instead of 10.
> Right you are.  The rich wouldn’t be destroyed, but the other seven
> servants would be, by unemployment.
> Their families would be destroyed by despair, hunger and alcoholism, which
> seems to hang around unemployment like an odor.  What of the home builders
> of the other five homes, and the car builders of the other 10 cars?  And
> their families?  The DMV wouldn’t be destroyed, but neither would they
> collect their fees on the other idle cars.  Tragic is this, for those cars
> would bring money to the state coffers while not be adding any additional
> wear on the roads or traffic because they are sitting still and quiet in a
> massive garage somewhere with one of the otherwise unemployed seven servants
> cheerfully waxing and maintaining it.
> Rich people are our friends.  They help us all, even if indirectly.
> spike

Fair enough.  When it's being used, it can at least be viewed in positive
light as you've just shown me.  What good is $100Million in an off-shore tax
safe haven doing humanity?
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