[ExI] what if...

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Thu May 12 03:18:59 UTC 2011

This is not a bad thing, by most measures.  If you were such a
person, you could probably do more good by keeping the money.

2011/5/10 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
> Thought experiment.
> What if… you really are a genuine charitable religious person from some
> African hell hole, and you really did come into a cubic buttload of money by
> some mysterious means, and you really do want to rob that poor country blind
> and get it out of there, and give it away to some random rich western person
> who you heard was honest on the internet.
> Because of all the silly spam, I think it would be an impossible task.  You
> would be forced to keep all that money.

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