[ExI] a very silly story

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat May 28 11:59:18 UTC 2011

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Anders Sandberg  wrote:
> (The fact that I am still alive, not lacking any fingers and not poisoned is
> evidence for the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics a la quantum
> suicide computing :-) )

But think of the damage you caused to the other Anderslings throughout
the multiverse!  ;)

The thing about the multiverse is that a life may start out with an
infinity of possible worlds, but each decision path chosen trims the
tree of possibilities. Some decisions produce a narrow set of futures,
others have less constraints.  It is a bit like Karma - As ye sow, so
shall ye reap.


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