[ExI] Weird new way to do physics
spike66 at att.net
Mon Nov 7 04:17:04 UTC 2011
>... On Behalf Of The Avantguardian
To: ExI-Chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] Weird new way to do physics
>> Engineers must be unit-bilingual.
>But how unit-multilingual are you?
Two is all you need. Every unit system besides metric and English are extinct in the engineering world, or a specialty system that only specialists need.
>> My MBrain pitch Friday ... If that is the case, then .5a*t^2 using a=.03, then t is about 15 ages, or 15 million years, to go a distance of the nearest star.
>...Congrats on delivering your pitch but who were you pitching?
Society of Allied Weight Engineers.
>... Sounds fascinating, but I am sure an MBrain would figure out a way to travel faster than you propose even if it had to consume entire planets in its path... Stuart LaForge
Maybe not. It is perfectly reasonable to theorize that there is no magic physics, no way to control wormholes, no trilithium crystals, nothing that is all that far outside our currently understood physics. This is one possible explanation to the Fermi Paradox: it is inherently difficult to do interstellar travel. It is possible that even an MBrain must follow the rules we pretty much understand now. I don't like to consider that possibility, but it is one of them.
If we discount for now the possibility of strong nanotech, we can still get to the nearest star in 20 million years, then use the gravitation to bend our path to shoot off toward the next one, while leaving some replicating assemblers behind. Note I did not say replicating nano-assemblers. For this pitch, I theorized ordinary non-covalent bond capable replicating machines, technology we may have available to us in the near term.
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