[ExI] Weird new way to do physics
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 03:49:37 UTC 2011
----- Original Message -----
> From: spike <spike66 at att.net>
> To: 'The Avantguardian' <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com>; 'ExI chat list' <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 6:02 PM
> Subject: RE: [ExI] Weird new way to do physics
>> ... On Behalf Of The Avantguardian
> Engineers must be unit-bilingual.
But how unit-multilingual are you? If a train starts from Stone Henge at 40 cubits/rotation of an egg-timer and then from there accelerates at Plutonian surface g, then riddle me this BatSpike: how many barrels of water fall over Victorian Falls before the train reaches Dover as the laden swallow flies?
> My MBrain pitch Friday used an acceleration unit you may not be familiar with.
> Recall that I proposed moving an entire star and planetary system using light
> pressure from an MBrain. In that sense, the most useful unit of acceleration is
> light-years per square age, where age is defined as one million years. So a
> typical sunlike star with an MBrain can create an acceleration of about .03
> ly/(age)^2. If that is the case, then .5a*t^2 using a=.03, then t is about 15
> ages, or 15 million years, to go a distance of the nearest star.
Congrats on delivering your pitch but who were you pitching? Sounds fascinating, but I am sure an MBrain would figure out a way to travel faster than you propose even if it had to consume entire planets in its path. I mean I certainly would if I were an MBrain. Time is money, after all, no matter how fat and shiny you are right? Besides I am no angel *now* let alone if I had the tremendous power of an MBrain at my disposal.
Don't worry though. One of you would be spared in order to act as our emissary to the potentially numerous worlds inhabited by intelligent species in the galactic neighborhood of the MBrain. To this end, you would be given the following job perks:
* An EVA suit with waste-filtration and air-recycling system and extended battery life.
* A life insurance policy to provide for you and your loved-one(s) in the unfortunate event of your demise, demolition, decompression, dismemberment, digestion, impregnation, infection, infestation, or immolation in the performance of your duties. Note that we will be your sole beneficiary, since we would be the only one left.
* A snazzy rocket-propelled motorcycle could be also yours to boot!
Act *now* and be that lucky guy or gal get all this! As an added bonus, that lucky guy or gal would get to retain their *own* identities away from the collective to boot.
Be a part of history by acting quickly to help spare the sentient life of the galaxy needless suffering. For less than a dollar a day you could sponsor the survival of a biosphere somewhere in your very own galaxy!
To apply, send $10.00 USD in check, cash, or money order to me along with a 3-minute video explaining why you should be lucky man or woman to get the position as our emmisary.
This message brought to you by *me*. Offer not valid in some states. Must be 18 or older to apply. All application materials will become the sole property of MBrain and will not be returned. Some travel and nudity required. Surfboard, body paint, rocket-fuel, and planetary evacuation costs not included. Act now and be spared! We am MBrain! All your base is belong to us!
Stuart LaForge
“Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution." -Clay Shirky
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