[ExI] REVOLUTION NOW! all-thing.org
Amon Zero
amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Nov 10 08:45:25 UTC 2011
2011/11/10 spike <spike66 at att.net>
> <http://zerostate.net>
> Quote from the site:
> >…Anti-Capitalism is an idea that perturbs many, because it represents the
> diagnosis of a problem without the offer of a solution. “What would these
> people replace Capitalism *with*?”****
> I have a suggestion for a system to replace capitalism. Unfettered
> capitalism.
That is, of course, the Libertarian or anarch-Capitalist position.
It *could* work, I'll be the first to admit. And anything that works is
fine by me.
But can it actually happen? How? And what evidence do we have that it would
make things better, not worse?
These are sincere questions. People rightly criticise Anti-Cap protestors
for not suggesting or coherently arguing for viable alternatives... I agree
that such incoherent protest is in many ways worse than pointless... but
maybe other ideologies should be held to the same standard, no?
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