[ExI] Monetary Evolution Now! was REVOLUTION NOW!

Amon Zero amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Nov 10 12:20:21 UTC 2011

On 10 November 2011 12:13, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:

> In human society 'being right' is only incidental. 'Winning the
> argument' is the primary driver. That's the way humans have evolved
> and we are stuck with it. Of course it is better for us if 'being
> right' wins the argument, but that doesn't happen very often in
> politics.

Yes, I agree. That's why I said "in almost all regards". As idealist I am,
I also have a strong pragmatic streak, and that makes it clear that you can
be as right as you like, but without influence that matters for nothing.

> You will be very lucky to get a system that more than half the
> population agree with. Looking around, if you do, then you will
> probably need some kind of religious style brain-washing involved to
> numb the majority of the population.
> Humans are too different to have 'one size fits all'.

Again, I agree, but anyone wanting to change anything needn't necessarily
directly influence anything like 50% of people. If it were a simple "flat"
population then 10% would probably do the job (given behaviour in large
human groups), and we know that we don't live in a "flat" social
environment. Some people already have high levels of influence, of
different types. So if you can influence a critical proportion of *them*,
you're on to a winner.
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