[ExI] REVOLUTION NOW! all-thing.org

Amon Zero amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Nov 10 14:21:31 UTC 2011

2011/11/10 spike <spike66 at att.net>

> Ja.  One suggestion is based on the signs I keep seeing, and even on this
> thread: REVOLUTION.  What we need is evolution.  We need to work our way to
> better economic systems by the legal means: vote for the people who best
> represent our ideals, etc.  Besides that, I just like the sound of it:
> ** **
> It does take a while.  But evolution eventually comes around to some
> insanely great solutions.

Yes, I like that a lot. Less political baggage (outside of the US, anyway),
we can conveniently ignore the time-scales of biological evolution, and
it'll wind up the Christian Fundamentalists something terrible...  ;-)

- A
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