[ExI] Capitalism, anti capitalism, emotional arousal
James Clement
clementlawyer at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 09:14:58 UTC 2011
On Nov 11, 2011, at 11:29 PM, Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
> ...Capitalism in its true form is very much freedom in the sphere of economics. Freedom to produce what you choose and trade it for whatever you can reach a mutually acceptable agreement on. The rest is definition by inessentials or merely what one has been conditioned to associate with capitalism whether it has anything particularly to do with capitalism or not. A system where the government has very large favors to sell to business is not capitalism or a result of capitalism. It is a result of runaway government and of allowing massive government involvement in the economy. Nor does capitalism of necessity lead to such bromides and the "rich get richer and the poor get poorer". Historically actual capitalism has resulted in unprecedented gains to the poor as well as the rich.
I completely agree with Samantha. Over time, governments, and hence politicians, gain too much power, which they can use to enrich themselves or those who would buy their favors. That's why I'm an Anarcho-Capitalist, or, at the least, a Laissez-Faire Capitalist. There is similar corruption in any economic system (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc.), where politicians have been given vast power to regulate society. The answer must start with severely limiting their power!
James Clement
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