[ExI] Capitalism, anti capitalism, emotional arousal

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 16:35:28 UTC 2011

On 11 November 2011 21:12, Kelly Anderson <kellycoinguy at gmail.com> wrote:

> So you can't say that Rand was
> dead set against banking, as long as it was backed by gold. How that
> would work in today's world is beyond me... to be honest.

I took "running a bank" simply as a metaphor of the Gail Wynand's kind of
power, where you are successful, you are even powerful in a sense, but
cannot really do anything else than play a game where you have an indeed
limited say.

The president of the United States, say, is certainly a powerful man, even
today. Yet, I suspect that any president that really tried to deviate more
than millimetres from the path dictated by circumstances and powers that
be, let alone start a revolution, would find himself impeached in a New
York minute, or removed by even more expeditious means (see under

This is why I think that political engagement is for transhumanists
certainly OK, but hardly a priority or a crucial arena.

Stefano Vaj
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