[ExI] Retrocausal Writing

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Wed Nov 30 14:10:35 UTC 2011

The Avantguardian wrote:

>any instances where a piece of writing be it a novel, academic 
>paper, or what have you simply seemed to write itself? When this 
>occurs did you ever get the sense that the finished work was using 
>you as a means to bring it into being?

When Michelangelo was sculpting, he'd reject dozens of
blocks of marble that seemed perfectly fine to his assistants.
Once he found the right block, he thought the rest of the
process was easy and obvious: The sculpture is already
within the block; just chip off everything that's not part of it.

More recently, there have been many writers who relate that
they see the story unfold in their mind's eye, and all they're
doing is writing down what they see. Then there's Heinlein's
gimmick of World as Myth -- that beloved fictional worlds
have actual existence. (Or that *we're* in someone else's
fiction, ref. 1942's "The Unpleasant Occupation of Jonathon

-- David.

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