[ExI] The twists & turns of politics & idealism (was: The End of the Future)

Amon Zero amon at doctrinezero.com
Fri Oct 7 10:17:37 UTC 2011

On 7 October 2011 08:46, Amon Zero <amon at doctrinezero.com> wrote:

> There will be a re-working of the original leaflet too, currently under the
> scrutiny of the DZ list - I won't bore anyone here with details of the
> process, but will post the proposed content here before the leaflet is
> mocked up, just in case anyone here would care to offer any constructive
> criticism.

Can anyone help by throwing a comment or two my way, please?

Here's my first stab at a second version of text for the leaflet. I've made
a point of leaving certain things implicit, where there seems to be no
obvious gain and possible liability in stating them explicitly. I'd greatly
appreciate any feedback/comments you may be able to offer. I'm thinking that
the leaflets would be twice the size earlier planned (i.e. A5 rather than
A6), to allow a little more text and better print quality.

One word of warning - it seems quite clear to me that libertarians,
particularly Anarcho-Capitalists, will not like this one little bit. That is
understood. Perhaps best save your blood pressure and not read it! I've
tried my best to be compatible with personal freedom and notions of
responsible Capitalism, but of course it's a nigh-impossible balancing act
to resolve what seem to be essentially opposing points of view.


We are in the early days of global economic disaster, caused by corrupt
banking practices and political bribery, being symptoms of unchecked
Capitalism which has become dysfunctional. We are opposed to Capitalist
excesses such as debt trading, and the creation of artificial scarcity. The
richest 1% of the world's population wields wildly disproportionate power
and influence, while ordinary citizens suffer under circumstances not of
their own making.

We want a fair, healthy society. The fruits of society must benefit all,
with no-one left behind. To demand this is not "left wing" or "right wing",
but the simple, natural expression of honest citizens who want their future
back. We want true freedom, democracy, and accountable government. We are
not at all opposed to trade or personal profit in principle, but feel that
trade can and should exist in a state of healthy mutual support with
society, rather than the dangerous, parasitic form it exists in today.

In order to achieve these aims in the face of opposition from those who
profit from the current state of affairs, we must have clear goals and
effective, disciplined organization. Our global, virtual community - the
Zero State - is dedicated to fairness, mutual support, resource sharing, and
the eventual abolition of involuntary suffering through the intelligent,
compassionate use of technology. Our leaders are drawn from the active
membership, and are dedicated to complete accountability and transparency in
governance, including a commitment to acting as true public servants.

For their own reasons, many people find personal significance in the date of
Friday December 21st, 2012. We have decided to use awareness of this
particular date as an ally in our efforts toward true democracy and freedom.
On that day, the Zero State will form a democratic, open, global alternative
government. The alternative government is intended as a People's Forum, to
hear different points of view, coordinate volunteer activity, and chart a
common course toward a positive future which we can all share. The Zero
State does not compete with or oppose any other government, but will provide
a trans-national platform for people to advocate, prepare and launch
programs of activity working toward a world of shared justice and progress.
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