[ExI] What's the fastest language to speak?
spike66 at att.net
Mon Oct 17 19:08:30 UTC 2011
2011/10/17 Isabelle Hakala <ismirth at gmail.com>:
> ... I have said many times that I feel
> everyone in the US should learn ASL. If it were manditory starting in
> elementary school there would be no reason to exclude the Deaf,
> everyone could sign in noisy clubs, wouldn't disturb others at the
> symphony by whispering...
Instead of ASL, couldn't they just text each other? Seems like a perfect
solution for the deaf as well as those in the noisy nightclubs and symphony
Actually now that I think about it, if this goes as I expect, nightclubs
wouldn't be noisy. It would be the audio equivalent of a lights-out
factory: a sound-out bar.
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