[ExI] rossi on cold fusion
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Oct 31 19:08:27 UTC 2011
Il 30/10/2011 17:14, spike ha scritto:
> <http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/10/reports-on-rossi-1-mw-october-28-2011.html>
> Suppose you have some kind of magic black box that you claim makes
> excess heat. You say you can create a closed loop device, but that you
> haven't yet, for you are not a powerplant guy, rather a nuclear
> physicist, so in the meantime you have your 500kW generator here, which
> you invite the local techno-proles to investigate, to instrument with
> ammeters and voltmeters, and whatever flimflammer and pantookers they
> want, so they can convince themselves exactly how much power the black
> box is receiving.
Spike, I'm probably a techno-prole, but these?
Enrico Billi – fisico nucleare
Reymond Zreick – giornalista rivista Focus
Irene Zreick - giornalista rivista Focus
Mats Lewan – giornalista rivista Ny Teknik
Paolo Soglia – direttore Radio Città del Capo
Sterling Allan – direttore PENS (Pure Energy Network System)
Peter Swensson – giornalista Associated Press
Giorgio Benvenuti – fotografo Associated Press
Daniele Passerini - blogger 22 passi
Pier Clauzon – ingegnere CNAM Parigi
Irina Uzikova – ingegnere National Research Nuclear University di Mosca
Giuseppe Levi – fisico (osservatore Università di Bologna)
Loris Ferrari – fisico (osservatore Università di Bologna)
David Bianchini – esperto radio-protezione
Giuliano Guandalini – direttore EON srl
Sergio Focardi
Andrea Rossi
Maddalena Pascucci
fratello di Maddalena Pascucci
figlia del fratello di Maddalena Pascucci
madre di Maddalena Pascucci
Domenico Fioravanti - ingegnere collaudatore e tester dell'impianto
Andrea De Vita – fisico Ansaldo Energia
italiano, consulente scientifico Oto Melara
italiano, consulente scientifico di un gruppo industriale X (ha
chiesto l'anonimato)
italiano, consulente scientifico di gruppo industriale Y (ha chiesto
italiano, consulente scientifico di gruppo industriale Z (ha chiesto
svedese (?)
svedese (?)
svedese (?)
To these you can add the, now, famous (or infamous if you prefer)
Colonel Engineer Domenico Fioravanti (by NATO) expert in thermodinamic
Rossi already stated he had, already, sold other generators to other
clients and these will become public as they install them.
Because of this public sale, Rossi now have to pay 500.000 € for the
research contract with Bologna University and give them oe or more e-cat
to play with.
If it is a scam, it is a very stange scam.
Anyway, time will tell and people will have the chance to ponder why
they didn't trust or accepted the possibility Rossi really developed
what he claim or others will be able to ponder why they trusted a so
obvious, for others, scam.
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