[ExI] wet dreams, was openness on the internet.

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 21:12:32 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Tomasz Rola <rtomek at ceti.pl> wrote:

> What may sound like totalitarian from your side, is rather innocent in my
> eyes. At least right now (even thou, yes, I am a bit baffled by it).

We have our regular lives as regular people, where we wake, work, eat,
sleep, and enjoy the company of our lesser and greater friends.  These
activities compose the larger part of our lives, and to the extent
that we focus on these personal matters while dodging involvement in-
and averting our eyes from the wars of the elites, we can enjoy our
lives and remain largely free from the injury and suffering caused by
sovereign ambition.

Your name and email suggests a connection with Poland, Europe, Eastern
Europe, and the corresponding social/political experience.  On that
account, I'm inclined to credit you with a more mature worldview than
that of the typical Hollywood-ized, consumer-ized, patriot-ized, and
in general, intellectually down-sized American.

But at your European remove, you may yourself fall victim to the
"idylla" -- I suspect you meant "ideal" or "utopian" -- view of
America.  You know, the Hollywood version:  "Give me your tired, your
huddled masses...",  "liberty and justice for all"..., the City on the
Hill,  "...from sea to shining sea", "...and they lived happily ever
after", blah blah blah, etc.  That illusion is very pleasant indeed,
but no matter how good it feels, don't embrace it to the extent that
you abandon your connection with reality.

America was wealthy, which like a new paint job, covered a multitude
of sins.  Now the wealth is all but gone, and the ugly reality of the
coarseness of American life is becoming ever more apparent.  Time to
focus on the personal.

Personally, I embrace technology as the vehicle that best embodies and
promotes the "better angels" of human nature, those dedicated to
progress, to building, to making things "better", to cooperating.

Please forgive me if I have offended you.

Best, Jeff Davis

"In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its
faults, — if they are such; because I think a general Government
necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a
blessing to the people, if well administered; and I believe, farther,
that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and
can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when
the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government,
being incapable of any other."

Speech to the Constitutional Convention (1787-06-28)

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