[ExI] apple mothership

Dave Sill sparge at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 15:18:36 UTC 2011

2011/9/14 Amon Zero <amon at doctrinezero.com>

> 2011/9/14 Dave Sill <sparge at gmail.com>
>> 2011/9/14 Amon Zero <amon at doctrinezero.com>
>>> In other words, rationality is not the sole measure of utility or
>>> meaning.
>> No, but as a general rule, I think it's a good start. And I think
>> irrationality ought to be avoided whenever possible--there's already plenty
>> to go around.
> I certainly wouldn't argue with that!
> The thing that winds me up personally (and not saying you did this) is when
> people conflate rationality and a deliberately linear, colourless worldview.
> It is of course possible to be both rational and enjoy life in its
> multi-coloured weirdness at the same time, hence my stab at something that
> might be an approach toward answering Spike's question. We've all seen
> overtly rationalist pseudo-prayers which are usually quite bland and
> thoroughly un-inspiring, and I've often wondered what could be done with a
> little more creativity thrown into the mix.

Yep, I agree completely. Rational doesn't mean bland and/or boring.

> That said, one thing I particularly like about your comment Dave (that "a
> pledge to support some idea or endeavour" would be better than an empty
> 'prayer') is that it has an emphasis on action. That's certainly something I
> can thoroughly get behind!

Thanks. The pledge has lots of room for creativity and inspiration and the
level of support can range from "I won't oppose this" to "I'll do anything I
can to support it"--it could even be specific and legally-binding.

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