[ExI] A Nobel laureate and climate change

Dan dan_ust at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 16 15:39:59 UTC 2011

Linking local events probably isn't conscious cherry-picking, but something like how some believe the full moon causes all kinds of crazy behavior: some are likely to just link drought or forest fires or a hot summer to global warming than to step back and see this might just be a local or regional phenomenon with little to tell us about long term climate trends.
From: Dennis May <dennislmay at yahoo.com>
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ExI] A Nobel laureate and climate change

I was in Oklahoma City for part of the every day over a hundred.
No different than summers when I was a kid in Nebraska.  There
has always been hot/cold dry/wet heavy snow/light snow extremes
having nothing to do with any long term climate change.  Its the
cherry picking festival that happens when local events support
a theory which overall has no substantiated modeling behind it,
is data poor and unable to make correct predictions.
Missouri has had 8 cool or cold winters in a row with six cool
summer, half of one warm summer, and one summer with a hot 
streak similar to those common in the 1970's.  Now we are having
a cool late summer following the short hot streak of this year.
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