[ExI] Welcome to the Future

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 08:26:14 UTC 2012

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Max More wrote:
> Amazingly poor predictions, over a mere 25 year period. Amazing not because
> I expected many close hits (I didn't) but this list is extremely inaccurate.
> Stop trying to predict the future and focus on making it happen!

The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. -
William Gibson

It takes mass movements to shape the future.
Like the automobile and mass-market air transport has shaped our world
of the last century.

The home computer and the internet was the next huge change. Everybody got one.

Currently the smartphone is changing our world. People cannot live now
without one.

To predict (and make) the future you need mass movements. Things that
affect almost the whole population.

To see the future make a list of things that are increasing in
'popularity' and things that are reducing in 'popularity'.

Unemployment seems to be steadily increasing.
Life expectancy seems to be steadily increasing.
Birth rates seem to be steadily falling.
Drug consumption (prescribed and non-prescribed) seems to be increasing.

We are rushing into a future where everything is recorded. A future
where nothing will ever be forgotten. Privacy will be redefined. When
it is realized that everyone is a criminal, the idea of law-breaking
will have to change.

More suggestions?


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