[ExI] Re "Atten: For any extropy libertarians

Kevin G Haskell kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 10:19:23 UTC 2012

On July 30, 2012, F.C. Moulton wrote:

>>I strongly suggest DO NOT DO IT unless you get very specific individual
>>permission.  Without permission there are several reasons to avoid it
>>but I will just list one big reason which should be sufficient.  The
>>reason not to do it without specific individual permission is that
>>people often frame answers assuming the context of prior discussions and
>>also prior meta-level discussions on the list.  There is no way to
>>maintain this context using a copy and paste for particular bits of a
>>thread. Loosing this direct context and meta-level context might change
>>how a specific comment is intended.

>>Well I will add one more which is that people join the list, leave, then
>>sometimes come back so just posting a general request for permission to
>>the list might or might not cover the people you want to quote.

Point taken, although there are often comments that do stand alone quite
in context or not.

>><< What of those who believe any government is a danger to individual
>><< freedom and that libertarianism as such is only consistent with

>>Dan asks a very good question.  I am not interested in debating the
>>issue of anarchism versus limited government here since this is not the
>>proper forum.  I just want to emphasis that the question Dan raises is
>>very important for the project you are undertaking.


I did not see Dan's original post, but I do find your point about this not
being the
appropriate forum for discussion for how politics affect science incorrect,
as I've often
seen the subject broached, here.  Additionally, Extropianism itself was
once identified
as being linked and leaning as technolibertarian.  Though that may not be
the case these
day specifically as it regards libertarianism, political discussion does
come up here.  How
can it not when so many projects are partially or completely government
funded, and affect the
lives of individuals?

Thanks for your feedback.


 * Tweet me on Twitter! - @*KevinGHaskell
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