[ExI] Re "Atten: For any extropy libertarians

F. C. Moulton moulton at moulton.com
Wed Aug 1 21:57:52 UTC 2012

On 08/01/2012 03:19 AM, Kevin G Haskell wrote:
> On July 30, 2012, F.C. Moulton wrote:
>>>Dan asks a very good question.  I am not interested in debating the
>>>issue of anarchism versus limited government here since this is not the
>>>proper forum.  I just want to emphasis that the question Dan raises is
>>>very important for the project you are undertaking.
> I did not see Dan's original post, but I do find your point about this
> not being the 
> appropriate forum for discussion for how politics affect science
> incorrect, as I've often
> seen the subject broached, here. 


That is not the point I was making.  In my post I did not make a "point
about this not being the appropriate forum for discussion for how
politics affect science".

Dan raised a couple of points and I made a very specific reference to
one of the points Dan raised.  And it is obvious from my elaboration
exactly the point I was referencing.  Yet you say that you did not see
Dan's post but still start telling me you disagree with a statement that
I did not make. Perhaps it would be useful if you read what Dan wrote
and then read what I wrote and then it will be obvious that your
characterization of my comment was not accurate.

I do not attribute this malice and I am sure you did not mean me any
particular harm but it is really annoying and I feel I need to respond
lest anyone think your inaccurate statement really reflected my statement.

I am sorry I feel the need to state this is such forceful terms but if
you want to put yourself in the role of coordinating any sort of online
group then you really need to be careful when attributing positions to
other people.  And if you expect them to give you permission to do cut
and paste of their comments then you really need to demonstrate an
attention to detail and accuracy.  Just having enthusiasm is not enough.


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