[ExI] Atten: For any extropy technolibertarians
Kevin G Haskell
kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 10:57:16 UTC 2012
On July 30, 2012, PJ Manney wrote:
>>I'm with Natasha. I'm not terribly one thing or another and have
always resisted labels, yet I'm on this list. And I do not want my
comments taken out of context.
I look at the Extropy list like an endless dinner party of
interesting, intelligent people with ideas outside the mainstream that
I enjoy following. It's why I'm here. If it was a party at my house,
I would not stick a speaker outside to broadcast only bits and pieces
of the conversation inside, especially without permission.
However, if you build a successful Facebook group, the content
providers will come to you. Just don't commit the cardinal faux pas
of Facebook and include them in your group without their permission
When you have dinner parties, what is discussed in those parties do not
stay inside of the house after the party is over, but are taken out to be
with other people. That is the way ideas propagate.
Regarding the building of a successful FB pages, one cannot have a separate
group unless members are first actively sought out and invited, and
material from all over
the Internet, mostly meaning articles, that is pertinent to the group is
brought to group's page and posted by
both the moderator and the members for discussion. Independent non-Internet
issues may be brought up separately, but we exist to discuss what is going
on the
world of both politics and technology from a libertarian perspective. So,
the context providers to not just come on
their own accord as in "build it and they will come."
Your point about not including people in a group without their permission
'as members,"
however, is well taken. Some people do get upset when they are simply added
to a group, and may
complain if not asked, and I wish to avoid that. As a consequence, while
our membership is approaching
500( and not everybody is a libertarian,) the discussions tend to more
active by more members than
many groups with 1500-3500 people in them.
* Tweet me on Twitter! - @*KevinGHaskell
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