[ExI] Atten: For any extropy technolibertarians

Kevin G Haskell kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 10:39:26 UTC 2012

On July 30, 2012, Joshua Job wrote:

>>I don't post very often (hoping to get more active), but I think there is
place for just a teensy bit of sectarianism in the broader transhumanist
movement. For example, some might think that government regulations will
slow down progress unjustifiably, while others may view it as the best way
to combat existential risks from technologies like AGI and molecular
nanotechnology. The same goes for social programs--- you could think
they'll make things worse, or better.

Obviously your views on such things will effect how you go about promoting
transhumanist ideas, and what programs, organizations, and initiatives one
will support. Having a place to discuss such topics with others of like
mind is beneficial for both the movement as well as for the psychology of
the individuals involved. And since the ExI list isn't necessarily the best
place for such discussions, it makes sense to create a group especially for
libertarian transhumanists (and democratic transhumanists,
>>Singularitarians, etc.).

Well presented, Joshua, and I completely agree.  Thank you.


 * Tweet me on Twitter! - @*KevinGHaskell
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