[ExI] Re Re: Atten: For any extropy technolibertarians

estropico estropico at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 07:34:28 UTC 2012

> On July 31, 2012, Stefano Vaj wrote:
>...given the couple of people who spend their life
> monitoring anything I may write here or there in order to find juicy
> morsels for their dossiers, I am used to weigh carefully my words, and be
> ready to stand by them in any circumstance.

a) You flatter yourself...

b) If you weighted them carefully enough we wouldn't be having this
neverending diatribe....

Now please stop the petty sniping. I haven't mentioned you or your...
ahem... controversial writings and activities in ages, especially on
this list, and I'm sure no-one here wants another one of our flames
(as entertaining and informative as they might be).


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