[ExI] [universalimmortalism] We need some new energy!

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue Aug 7 08:47:09 UTC 2012

On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 04:35:13PM -0700, david pizer wrote:

> Developing the technology to allow the reversal of aging to permit virtual physical immortality is the ultimate goal of most cryonicists.
> Many of us believe that technology may be within the laws of physics but it may be centuries before we humans control that technology.

My working model is less than a century, unless there is
a collapse. If there's a collapse it's hard to see how
to prevent failure of CSPs and complete patient loss.

> So the next best thing would be to create cryopreservation technology now that would allow patients to be prepared so well (at legal death) that doctors in the future can revive them.  Most of us believe that advanced cryopreservation technology is possible but that we are not there now.  You and I may suffer legal death before that advanced cryopreservation technology is perfected. 

It increasingly looks like refusing fluids and arresting
is insufficient (it compromises ability to perfuse). This
complicates things a lot.

> So the logical question should be - How can we speed up the development of reversible suspended animation technology now?

By helping projects like http://www.brainpreservation.org/

> The answer is that we need more resources. 
> To get more resources faster we need to convince more people that cryopreservation is possible and encourage them to want to make it happen and to join with us now.  It is through more membership that more resources will become available.   Larger membership is the key to faster development of technology.  More members means more money, more volunteer labor,  more public acceptance.

I disagree that more members means better funding.
While not Big Science, we're talking two-digit MUSD
budgets just for an instrument. Membership fees are
barely enough to keep the CSPs from crashing.

The problem with more members it that you
get more active members trying to "help", with not
very favorable outcome. 

> So for those people who are reading this and who want to increase their odds of surviving death you need to ask yourself if you are doing everything you can to bring more resources to the cryopreservation movement? 

It has to be the right resources. Just throwing money
at the problem, and hoping that some of it will stick
is probably quite suboptimal.

> I would like to see some meaningful discussion on what other cryoncists are doing to help us reach our goals and what you think we should be doing now that we are not doing now.

I see a huge problem if we need active shutdown
premortem. I won't point out the implications, since
these are obvious.


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