[ExI] Re Atten: For any extropy libertarians

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Aug 7 16:20:26 UTC 2012

Subject: Re: [ExI] Re Atten: For any extropy libertarians


>.Hi Kevin,


>."Other" means anything that is not accepted as the norm for a group. For
example, for most Westerners, "other" is the cyborg, homosexual, feminist,
etc.  .Best, Natasha   <http://www.natasha.cc/> Natasha Vita-More, PhD



Hmmm, Natasha, I don't think feminists have been others for a long time now.
Homosexuals aren't really others either really.  Perhaps I am too far
removed from most westerners, but those two have been us for a while at
least.  Cyborg is still other, but the transition is happening steadily.

Regarding Cyborg, I do owe an apology to Steve Mann for not fully believing
his initial story about being assaulted in McDonalds.  The story wasn't very
believable as reported, but his photo of a perp reaching for his glasses is
sufficient evidence to me.  It is shown on his blog, about half way down the


I know how stories can get seriously garbled by news reporters, so I am
assuming the weird tale about urinating on his electronics and having them
short out was somehow news reportage fog.

Under no circumstances is it appropriate for a McD employee to mess with
anything any person is wearing.  They can ask him to leave if they think he
is taking pictures in the restroom or something, but they may not physically
attempt to remove the glasses.  Decision: Steve wins.  McD loses.  Won't eat
there anymore.  Steve is no longer an other.




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