[ExI] bexarotene papers

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 23:51:31 UTC 2012


On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 4:34 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> Ethics hipsters, what do I do now?  I see this article, and now how do I get
> the message to the LA Times to fix this goddam error forthwith, before some
> desperate ill-informed prole takes and stuffs a month's supply of Targretin
> into grandma in one afternoon?  Does anyone here know anyone from the Times,
> or how does one go about this?
> Help me Obi Wan, and do it riiiight noooow please, immediately.
> spike
> _______________________________________________
> Oy vey, the LA Times today replicated a mistake from early in the cycle back
> in February.  An order of magnitude error was made by someone writing "per
> day" instead of "per month."  I have seen this error pop up hundreds of
> times, and it may have slain patients by now.
> http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-alzheimers-drug-ethics-201
> 20809,0,2927327.story
> ".Second, patients and their advocates must consider whether it is fair for
> doctors to begin writing prescriptions for bexarotene for patients with
> dementia. The unreimbursed cost of treating an Alzheimer's disease patient
> with bexarotene -- anywhere between $1,200 and $2,500 per day out-of-pocket
> by one estimate -- would make this a treatment option only for the very
> wealthy."
> Imagine a really wealthy family with an AD patient, reads the above comment,
> says to his son, Junior, you somehow know how to score all kinds of vile
> dope to poke into yourself, so take this $10k, go use your contacts, bring
> me that much Targretin and don't tell me how or where you got it.  Junior
> takes off, comes back an hour later with $10k in Targretin, dad shovels all
> of it down grandma's throat over the next 4 to 6 days, patient mysteriously
> expires from an acute overdose of bexarotene resulting in massive multiple
> organ failure.  Newspapers need to be very careful about propagating
> misinformation.
> Eeesh.
> spike
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