[ExI] bexarotene papers

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Aug 10 01:16:23 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
Subject: Re: [ExI] bexarotene papers


Thanks Adrian.  I found an end-run during my panic session, before this came
up on the ExI list.  The LA Times was most helpful once I explained that
there was an error in their article that could cause harm bigtime, possibly
a fatality.  The first time, they transferred me to a disconnected number.
I called back and they were most apologetic, keeping me connected until they
could verify successful transfer.  I suggested they just blank out that
paragraph until they could reach the author of the article.  The editorial
chief took the initiative and modified the article herself.

The error was unfortunate, but they acted in a responsible and timely manner
to fix it.   Well done, LA Times.  


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