[ExI] bexarotene papers

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 07:03:37 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:16 AM, spike wrote:
> The error was unfortunate, but they acted in a responsible and timely manner
> to fix it.   Well done, LA Times.

The Alzheimer's support groups are very keen on exchanging any
information they have, so I think they all know how much Bexarotene
costs. As do their doctors. Though, as you say, nobody knows what the
dosage should be.

Anybody wanting to try it would surely at least do a google search on
costs first, so I doubt if this pricing mistake has caused fatalities.
If anything, it might have saved lives by being too expensive for
people to try.


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