[ExI] bexarotene papers

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Aug 10 00:45:27 UTC 2012


>>...Wait for their moderators to get around to approving it.
Which may be some time tomorrow...  Adrian

>...Never mind, got thru, talked to an actual human who sounded as if she
had a genuine brain, thank evolution.  I am watching the online article,
still hasn't been fixed...spike

EXCELLENT!  They FIXED IT!  Now the article reads:

"...The unreimbursed cost of treating an Alzheimer's disease patient with
bexarotene would make this a treatment option only for the very wealthy. And
to the extent that Alzheimer's patients would likely quickly deplete stores
of bexarotene..."

>From the time I saw the goof until the time is was fixed was less than an
hour and a half.  If I had just used my goddam head and found the contact
instead of going into full scale panic and calling for help from the lads on
ExI, this mighta been fixed in half the time, sheesh.

Nearly every day, I thank evolution I decided to not go to medical school.
Hell I probably would have flunked out anyway, and would be lucky if I did,


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