[ExI] Article on Objectivism, Extropianism, and Transhumanism

Joshua Job nanite1018 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 14:52:20 UTC 2012

I've read it before, but thanks for posting it again. It grates on me a
bit, as it isn't as completely accurate depiction of Objectivism, but it's
okay generally. I'd say it makes several mistakes of misinterpretation
and/or misrepresentation, and that this causes most of his objections. I'm
a Randian Extropian, but don't identify as an Objectivist (I do have a few
philosophical disagreements, but they aren't huge).

I always thought Extropianism was a natural application of Objectivism to
transhumanist the technologies and ideas. The stress on reason,
self-improvement, and free markets that they both possess marks them good
bedfellows. At least as far as the Extropian Principles are concerned, they
seem to be quite compatible.
-Josh Job
On Aug 14, 2012 1:34 AM, "Kevin G Haskell" <kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was just looking for something else regarding Ayn Rand and randomly
> stumbled upon this excellent article, written 10 years ago by Marc Geddes
> regarding the relationship between Objectivism, Transhumanism, and
> Extropianism. It also mentions Max More.
> Has anybody read this before?
> Kevin
> http://transhumanism.org/index.php/th/more/302/
> --
>  * Tweet me on Twitter! - @*KevinGHaskell
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