[ExI] dolchstosslegende, was: RE: cost of SBSP and thorium

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 06:14:23 UTC 2012

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:27 AM, spike wrote:
> This is interesting in many ways.  For about the past 30 years, we have seen
> what looks to me like a convergence of the two American mainstream parties
> since the mid-90s.  This year, for the first time since I have been a voter
> (a tragically long time, alas) I can really tell the difference.  One party
> wants to just drive off the debt cliff with little significant change.  The
> other wants to drive off the debt cliff with the accelerator pedal to the
> floor.

The situation is now so bad that people are suggesting that the US
might as well abolish all taxation and just keep on printing and
spending money. It would make little difference to the deficit.

The deficit is never going to be repaid and it appears impossible now
for the US to cut back to spending only what it collects in taxes.
That's why the Chinese and others are spending their dollars to
purchase real assets in the US and Africa and stuff like gold and rare
earths. Better spend those dollars quick while they are still worth


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