[ExI] Anyone taking TA-65?

James Clement clementlawyer at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 15:44:36 UTC 2012

Brent Allsop wrote:

> This looks like a great youTube video about the science of telomeres:
> http://www.facebook.com/groups/2445335657/permalink/10151136066600658/
> They also strongly endorse what they call TA-65.  They make it sound like
a miracle drug that would enable us to easily break the "theoretical 120
year old age limit".

Brent, I've read over a hundred research papers on telomeres with respect
to aging and IMHO there still haven't been any good studies that show life
extension in otherwise healthy mammals. It's probably beneficial to the
immune cells (which replicate far faster than normal cells), which are one
the few cell types that can be directly measured from the bloodstream.
However, it's not entirely clear that telomeres don't relengthen on their
own. Also, a very recent paper actually links activation of telomerase with
up-regulation of NF-kB, a strong inflammation and cancer promoter. TL:DR
the jury is still out on whether it's a mere biomarker of so-called
cellular damage, or actively involved in the repair process. Wait a few
more years and we'll probably have the answer to this and whether it
increases the risk of cancer. James
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