[ExI] FW: taking remote causation too far

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Dec 14 02:21:59 UTC 2012

Forwarded message.  


From: Alan Brooks [mailto:alaneugenebrooks52 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:26 PM
To: spike66 at att.net
Subject: taking remote causation too far


[Spike, please post this]


" ...Joseph Christ had not fallen for the Virgin Mary, but
rather had given in to the wily seductiveness of that little hottie in the
back of the class, the foxy Hortense...?"


The S&M connotations of Jesus hanging half naked on the Cross come to mind
when thinking of religion and sex.


What I want to tell for example Christians is how it isn't their religion
that is the main contention, it is their politics. 

They are quite erudite concerning the Bible, if not professor-experts then
Christians possess the Biblical knowledge of 

Masters degree candidates. Yet their politics are bad, v. bad. They take
remote causation way too far:

for instance abortion; Christians think if abortion were to be outlawed or
greatly reduced it would make a difference when

in fact it would make .00000000000001 percent of a difference, if that.
Asteroids, solar fluctuation, seismic activity, climate disturbances

 (monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, severe cold & heat), perhaps climate
change if climate change is valid,

 cancer, war, WMDs, etc. are important.. while abortion is not-- abortion is
blown far out of proportion-- often for use as wedge issue--

due to emotional excesses of the pro- 'life' and the interest in quick
fixes: "if we eliminate abortion" goes the illogic,

"it will have a moral ripple effect", when the effect is negligible at very
best. If only quick fixes were real,

now wouldn't that be something.


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