[ExI] Human running

Brian Manning Delaney listsb at infinitefaculty.org
Mon Jan 16 10:34:42 UTC 2012

El 2012-01-16 02:50, spike escribió:


> http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20527455.000-were-built-to-run-barefoot-on-our-tiptoes.html


> In order for toe running to be
> practical even for short distances requires a particular build that is
> common in Kenyan runners (the subject of the New Scientist article) but
> very rare in Americans. Kenyan runners tend to be wiry sorts, but
> westerners in general are much more heavy set. The reason I know about
> this is that I am a 3 sigma boney ass, as compared to normal westerners.
> I can do barefoot toe running if I have a forgiving surface like the
> rubberized tracks we see today, but very few runners can do that style,
> even young guys.

You can sort of carry a thin rubberized track around on the bottom of 
your feet with "foot gloves" that are made for (nearly) barefoot running 
(there are some that are basically a layer of canvas, but most are a 
touch thicker). I'm going to get some next time I'm back in the U.S.

The one person I know (also very skinny) who's tried barefoot running 
says his knees felt much better within a few weeks, but that you have to 
be really, really careful with every step you take, at first. Then foot 
placement comes more naturally (not surprising).


> Toe running is harder on the feet, but easier on the knees. My feet,
> ankles and hips are in far better shape than my knees. Those poor knees
> have reeeeeaaallly taken a pounding from years of heel running.
> spike
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