[ExI] FW.....Journal Collection
Terry W. Colvin
fortean1 at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 15 00:50:32 UTC 2012
[forteana] Journal Collection
Date: Jul 14, 2012 10:53 AM
HI folks!
Although time generally permits me only the chance to lurk and observe the list from afar, I have the opportunity to make a meager offering to the List.
Having been involved in paranormal and Fortean research for longer than I care to think, here's a little something you may enjoy.
Scott Colborn and I began and directed The Fortean Research Center (FRC) based in Lincoln Nebraska from 1982 until 1995. At its peak, the FRC boasted about 250 members worldwide, and gained national attention by hosting three international conferences. The FRC's radio program, Exploring Unexplained Phenomena, has been airing weekly since 1985 on Lincoln radio station, KZUM, 89.3 FM.
If you go to the link below, you will be able to download a reduced-resolution file of the entire collection of the Journal of the Fortean Research Center, a little over 630 pages of material. Two potential cover versions are included in the file, one of which will be utilized in a hard copy version.
I plan on making a print version available through Lulu.com, so please, give me your vote on which front cover you prefer.
A full-resolution PDF version will also be available, but at 950+ megabytes, I'm working out the best way to keep high-resolution and reasonable file size. As soon as I determine the best delivery system, the high-resolution version will also be available.
But for now (through Friday July 27), you can download the collection free of charge at the following link.
The file 'Complete reduced-size Journal.pdf' (70.2 MB) is available for download at
<http://dropbox.unl.edu/uploads/20120727/77466e16d3add9ba/1st%20Complete%20reduced-size%20PDF.pdf >
for the next 14 days.
It will be removed after Friday, July 27, 2012.
Enjoy, and feel free to let me know your cover preference offline!
Terry W. Colvin
Tucson, Arizona ( 10 June to 13 August 2012 )
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