[ExI] cybernetic hate crime?
spike66 at att.net
Thu Jul 19 13:41:44 UTC 2012
>... On Behalf Of Eugen Leitl
>...These do not need to be lethal (e.g. a metal storm clip) as a blinding
laser or disabling spray (I routinely carry two cans of mace when biking,
and had to use one just yesterday) would be a deterrent to casual
attackers... Eugen
Oy vey, do explain please sir "casual attackers?" Are you OK? I do hope
the casual attacker was sufficiently dissuaded to go pursue other lines of
Here in the states we have guns, which results in our having no casual
attackers, which explains why we don't know the definition. This doesn't
mean we don't have attackers. Rather it is just that they are only formal
attackers; they mean business. This means the honest citizen is advised to
carry lethal deterrence, with all those businesslike attackers about.
Here is an example of a couple of formal attackers from yesterday, who tried
to rob an internet café (?) one with a formal shotgun and the other with a
formal baseball bat. A 71 year old patron pulled out Mister Thirty Eight
and deterred their formal asses:
Sometimes the good guys win.
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