[ExI] Hungry? Then place an order with,"TacoCopter!"

Anders Sandberg anders at aleph.se
Mon Mar 26 10:31:20 UTC 2012

One thing I would be very interested in is some estimates of the cost 
trends. Obviously they are going down, and the Matternet people are 
likely betting they will be going down at a Kurzweilian rate, but does 
anybody have numbers?

I would assume a quadcopter has the following costs:
Batteries (might not be getting cheaper fast)
Control electronics (getting very cheap very fast)
Motors (price set by magnets?)
Blades and chassi (set by manufacturing run size?)
Energy to recharge (solar cells, getting mildly cheaper)

If even one of these remains high enough, then the concept will just 
remain in high margin or hobby activity.

Anders Sandberg,
Future of Humanity Institute
Philosophy Faculty of Oxford University

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