[ExI] NanotubeTV announcement
John Grigg
possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Fri May 18 20:22:58 UTC 2012
Gina, my best wishes to you in this exciting endeavor! I will definitely
be tuning in to see how things develop.
Best wishes,
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Gina Miller <ginakathleenmiller at gmail.com>wrote:
> Nanotechnology Industries is proud to present the first episode of the
> NanotubeTV series. NanotubeTV is a monthly series about
> nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that is on the
> nanoscale which is at the atomic level. While in it's current state it is
> used to enhance products, for example shoes that repel water - in it's
> future state it has the potential to create cures for all diseases, clean
> up nuclear pollution, repair the ozone layer and provide food for all.
> NanotubeTV will cover the history of nanotechnology, current news and the
> future applications. Nanotechnology Industries was formed in 1998 by long
> term nanotechnology advocate Gina Miller, famously nicknamed Nanogirl. With
> an interest in both art and science Gina Miller has had her nanotechnology
> animations shown on the History Channel, documentaries and television
> shows. Gina Miller had the vision for NanotubeTV years ago and this year
> the vision came to fruition when she began filming in her newly created
> production studio. She asked Dr. James B. Lewis to be the host of the show
> as he has 25 years experience as a molecular biologist and has been
> involved in the nano community since it's onset. NanotubeTV will be
> available free online. Watch the first episode of NanotubeTV (any many
> more to come) at www.nanoindustries.com.
> Fellow Extropians, I can't make these without you, so I thank you ahead of
> time for your support! Gina
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