[ExI] decay rate correlated with the sun?

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Sep 2 16:14:55 UTC 2012


>. On Behalf Of John Clark

This is not supposed to happen.



>.  I hope my skepticism will turn out to be undeserved


In physics, skepticism is always deserved, even if later shown to be wrong.


>. Physics needs a good surprise.    John K Clark  


Oh my yes, physics is in desperate need of a good surprise.  But not this.
This wouldn't be a good surprise.  If the sun impacts decay rates, then it
could only be neutrinos doing it.  But the sun's neutrino flux doesn't vary
on a regular basis.  Only the distance from the earth to the sun changes
annually, which would affect the neutrino flux by about 7%.



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