[ExI] riots again
Jeff Davis
jrd1415 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 20:34:07 UTC 2012
I've a slightly different take on this business.
The last ten years of the West vs Islam has left the West with a
default anti-Muslim bias. Muslim = bad has thus become the uncritical
"neutral" view, and disparaging Muslims equivalent to just the
enumeration of "neutral" data. Now why oh why do you suppose the
Muslims are less than pleased with being branded as the new evil, to
be enshrined and employed as the West's new global whipping boy
(replacing the now-retired "commies")?
But that's not the whole of the offense. You have to fill out the
indictment with the record of the West's actual treatment of Muslim
countries for say, the last hundred years. I won't list the details,
but suffice it to say the treatment has been very abusive. So in
addition to making Muslims the West's new "niggers", they have also
been looted and brutalized. Yet the citizens of the Western nations
hardly notice this historical context, because the MSM has effectively
erased the truth and replaced it with the strategically,
ideologically, and commercially more exploitable "Muslim = bad"
Then some clown insults their most sacred cultural symbol, and some
folk -- I won't name names -- say "Look at these uncivilized people!
How backward and savage they are! How intolerant. They have no
experience in our superior cultural values of democracy and freedom of
Give me a break.
If someone invaded your home, killed your father and grandparents
before your eyes, raped your mother and sister, threw the living and
the corpses into the street, took over your home with the help of the
police, covered their crimes with the help of the media, and declared
your anger to be a genetic and cultural predisposition to terroristic
savagery, and kept up this crap for generations, how pissy would you
be? And if they added insult to all this injury by celebrating their
freedom to violate you, by insulting that which is most sacred to you
-- let's say in this case, your mother -- when does it become
reasonable for you to indulge in a little rioting?
I'm sorry. The West is engaged in a religious/cultural war against
Muslims, and the West has been the bad guy for quite a while now.
It's the same ***ATTITUDE*** as in the Athenians vs the Melosians: the
primacy of naked power.
"... the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
There are a billion and a half Muslims. The US is in decline. Payback
is coming.
Best, Jeff Davis
"...short of genocide, it is not possible to attain a final military
victory over a justified sense of grievance."
Michael Breen
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:35 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> I don't recall the name of the original thread, apologies, and no time to
> look it up again now, but it was about hunger causing riots.
> A thought occurred to me about Google shutting off the video of trailers to
> The Innocence of Methodists (or something like that, the film that stirred
> the ire of radical Presbyterians to rush out and burn embassies and murder
> American diplomats.) So now, a video shows up that they don't like, Google
> restricts access to the video in those countries where people riot. To me
> that sends a clear message to the Episcopalian leadership: if you want to
> get your way, whip up your followers to violence, get them to go burn and
> murder, the infidel does as you wish, no problem.
> Google-owned YouTube is in a tough spot here. If they leave the video up
> there, the Mormons riot. If they take it down, they send the message to the
> Mormons that rioting is the way to get things done. I don't know how to not
> be evil in that case. Suggestions?
> spike
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