[ExI] riots again

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Sep 17 18:43:25 UTC 2012

Il 17/09/2012 18:35, spike ha scritto:
> I don't recall the name of the original thread, apologies, and no time to
> look it up again now, but it was about hunger causing riots.
> Google-owned YouTube is in a tough spot here.  If they leave the video up
> there, the Mormons riot.  If they take it down, they send the message to the
> Mormons that rioting is the way to get things done.  I don't know how to not
> be evil in that case.  Suggestions?

If the leave the video the Mo riots now, but they will stop rioting when 
they will see it have no effect. In the mean time, others will learn 
Google will not bow to rioting (of Mos or others).

If the take the video, Mos will stop rioting now (maybe) but will riot 
after for whatever they will not like (or just for fun). In the mean 
time others (E.G. Asatru, Buddhists, Rastafarians or Spaghetti Monster 
worshippers, Jedi or others) will learn Google is prone to bend over to 
rioting and menace of rioting. Knowing a tactic work is a pro when 
considering it.

It is like making a movie telling the true about someone/something known 
to riot when the truth about them is exposed: "Works every time"

More and most their riot, the merrier is.


Riots happen when people think someone can be threatened by the rioting.
If no one can be threatened by force to obtain something, there will not 
be riots. But people could delude themselves someone will give them 
something if they riot.

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