[ExI] riots again
Omar Rahman
rahmans at me.com
Fri Sep 28 13:29:03 UTC 2012
> All Muslims and Christians and Jews are chuckleheads, to belong to any of
> those religions you must believe in their bronze age era holy book, and
> obviously to do that being a chucklehead is a vital requirement. However
> not all Muslims and Christians and Jews are intolerant, but the evidence
> indicates that most good Muslims are. I say this because even if they are
> not personally involved in one of those ridiculous brain dead dumb riots,
> the rank and file of that religion don't seem particularly embarrassed by
> the fact that a large number of people with their faith are. In the Islamic
> world there just doesn't seem to be much outrage at the idiocy committed in
> the name of Allah.
Why should someone be embarrassed by someone else's actions? Justin Beiber and I both come from Canada do I need to apologize for his songs? Presumption of innocence is a core value that most societies share. Guilt by association is currently being used to reclassify civilian casualties of drone strikes as militants unless post facto they prove their innocence. Post facto they are all usually post mortem so they rate of successful defense is rather low.
The fact is that we are not applying many of our core principles to these people. We are treating them as less than us. In this way we are tearing apart our own social fabric as we have a clear dichotomy between the rights we believe are inalienable and the rights we ascribe to them.
> Being anti-Muslim does not make one a Nazi, I make no apologies in
> condemning Nazi ideology and Communist ideology and Islamic ideology.
> John K Clark
John, do you mean anti-Muslim as against the person who holds the belief, or against the belief itself. The difference is that people have rights and belief systems don't. You confuse the two in your sentence. And, once you become 'anti' to a group of people for a behavior of some or possibly none of them have, it actually does make you some type of fascist.
Omar Rahman
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