[ExI] riots again
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 15:06:34 UTC 2012
On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 F. C. Moulton <moulton at moulton.com> wrote:
> >> Most of the Extropians I know are in favor of Civilization continuing,
>> and if its true as was claimed in a previous post that for that to happen
>> the oil flow must continue then you do what you need to do. Either the oil
>> is important or it is not, you can't have it both ways.
> > Of course you are now setting up a false dichotomy.
If the dichotomy is false don't blame me because I didn't set it up, I'm
not the one who said: "if the oil stops, Western civilisation collapses. So
it is not negotiable. The US will do anything to ensure oil supplies and to
install friendly governments over the oil resources".
> I can remember the beginning of the Extropian email list when it would
> not be necessary to explain the basics of market allocation of resources
> plus a multitude of similar topics.
I've debated with hundreds of Extropians with thousands of posts since my
very first post to the Extropian list on September 29 1993, and although
we've strongly disagreed about some things until now we all agreed that the
continuation of civilization was a desirable goal; but now for the first
time I apparently find somebody who disagrees about that. Oh well, there is
no disputing matters of taste.
John K Clark
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