[ExI] Digital Consciousness .
Kelly Anderson
kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 16:59:14 UTC 2013
On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:36 PM, Alan Grimes <ALONZOTG at verizon.net> wrote:
> Brent Allsop wrote:
>> Surely, Gordon, you believe we will be able to reproduce what the brain
>> does in some artificial way, and that we'll be able to improve and
>> re-architect that stuff significantly,
> In principle, yes, in practice no. Do you REALLY think you will be able to
> find the change you want to make in a pile of ten billion synapses?
Psychiatrists and therapists and friends do that with real brains every
If we can do stuff like this:
With a real brain, wouldn't we be able to do even more with an uploaded
brain where we can control things to a high degree?
> Furthermore, claiming identity based on pattern identity theory and then
> claiming the ability to make whole-sale changes is isomorphic to having
> your cake and eating it too.
I don't want my upload to be identical to me. I want my upload to be a
better me. That's why I call it transhumanism. Or am I missing something
vital here?
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