[ExI] Nootropics and Anders

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Dec 26 17:17:34 UTC 2013

>... On Behalf Of Anders Sandberg
Subject: Re: [ExI] Nootropics and Anders

On 2013-12-26 14:28, Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:
>>... Anybody using donepezil? I am thinking about using it again...

>...Subjective feelings are treacherous...I think one should try to run some
tests (in this case, memory tests) to actually check what works - especially
since individual variations of neurotransmitter levels make efficacies very
>...Dr Anders Sandberg...

Well said and I agree.  I have been thinking of subjective tests of mental
strength.  Regarding their use with nootropics, do let me preface this
comment with my stating up front that I know nothing about nootropics and do
not feel at ease with their use for myself.  I am OK with you hipsters doing
it however, especially the younger ones.  The younger body is far more
forgiving.  If you are using them, I have some ideas on how to measure their

If you have time, speed chess on the tablet computer is a means of getting
an objective measurement.  You can get a baseline, record the clocks at the
end of the games, etc.  I have been thinking of a collection of these kinds
of tests, specifically those which measure speed of mental tests on a
touch-sensitive screen.  If we find something that works, I can imagine
contests with teams, one using and the other not.  We could really have some
fun with this, and even make a pile of money if we can use the competitions
as a sales device.


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