[ExI] AI through human homogeny?

ablainey at aol.com ablainey at aol.com
Fri Jan 4 01:15:01 UTC 2013

Just watched an odd foreign film called "1". The basic outline is that a rare bookshop suddenly and instantly has all its stock replaced with copies of a mysterious book entitled "1". By unknown author, unknown publisher.
The book is a snapshot of all human life in one minute. All life, death etc condensed into exact statistics rather than estimates. Not a great film. An mildly interesting story.

What it sparked in me was an idea on what could really be achieved by the colation of just one minute of human life on Earth? 
Accounting for 7B people if you could record just one minute of their experience that makes around 221.816 years worth of life experience. From every aspect of humanity, every culture, place, time of day and night. Life, death, sex (32.4 Million people at anyone time quoted in the film), food, the mundane, the ordinary, extraordinary and the bizarre. What would happen if you could feed all that data into an AI to create a homogenous blend of all humanity?
Would it yield a balanced personality?

 What kind of effect might all the "sleepers" have? The dreams, day dreams, hallucinations and psychosis? 
What about the time and day we chose to record. For example I imagine the sum of all human experience on 9/11 is very different to xmas day or other days which have significant global impact.

I think the notion that it would have an almost uninterrupted multi-viewpoint experience of the entire planet is very interesting. Seeing all things, conversations and events from all sides and many different angles. 

 Just being able to experience then understand an argument from each side is a very enwisening (???) thing. Something which becomes pivotal in our personality evolution. Something any parent knows when they catch themself telling their own kids the same thing they were told many years before.

I think this kind of snapshot of humanity could really sum up what it is to be human very nicely. It should capture pretty much the entire spectrum of what we are. Maybe all of it and a few things we havn't figured out yet?

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