[ExI] 23andme again

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Jul 1 13:51:28 UTC 2013

Il 01/07/2013 15:23, BillK ha scritto:

> The difficulty is that human society is dependent on lies for survival.

Being an advocate for truth, I would choose truth over society.
If society is so dependent on lies to survive, maybe it should not
survive and will not survive anyway.

> We can't get through the day without lying.

> 'Does my bum look big in this?'.

> 'What speed were you going at?'.

> 'Do you think Sharon is the best person for this job?'.
> etc. up to really serious lies about life and death.

Maybe this is just cultural, maybe genetic.
But the level of frankness in public and private discourses in Italy is
a bit higher than in the US ( the Anglosphere in general).
Maybe is a reaction to the total hypocrisy in the political discourses.

> This is especially true in families. All families have secrets that
> are never mentioned in order to keep the peace. The theory being that
> the family must stick together, even when some members are not of
> particularly good character.

A frail family I should say, if its secrets can not be spoken in the
privacy of the house.
A strong family will speak them if needed and useful and will not spoke
them when not needed or not useful or harmful.

> Broadcasting the truth could cause the breakup of families. Feuds
> happen often enough anyway, without added disruption.

But, in the end, if broadcasting the truth do not happen, shit will
happen just because the truth was not told.
It is the short-term / long-term gains dilemma.


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