[ExI] [liberationtech] today's Spiegel edition

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Sun Jul 21 11:07:16 UTC 2013

----- Forwarded message from Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net> -----

Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:52:43 +0000
From: Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net>
To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
Subject: [liberationtech] today's Spiegel edition
Reply-To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>

A new Spiegel edition is out and it is awesome. It contains leaked
documents that show that the BND, BfV, NSA and CIA worked together to do
domestic spying in Germany. It also covers more information about XKEYSCORE.

The PDF of the article has been leaked too:


For those that don't read German, I suggest reading anyway - the leaked
NSA document is in English and very telling.

Quote of the day:

(S//REL TO USA, FVEY) The German government modified its interpretation
of the G-10 Privacy Law, protecting the communications of German
citizens, to afford the BND more flexibility in sharing protected
information with foreign partners.

Once again, privacy by policy fails.

It is long past time for privacy by design through strong cryptography
and unmistakably clear legislation. With such changes, a
"re-interpretation" would cause those crypto systems to fail and this
would be part of the way we would alert people that they are under attack.

All the best,
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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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