[ExI] [tp] NSA flag terms
pharos at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 18:22:05 UTC 2013
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 8:48 PM, spike wrote:
>>... On Behalf Of BillK
>>...If you want to use Google search via a non-tracking site go to:
> <https://startpage.com/eng/>
> Thanks BillK, but how can we ever really know we are not being tracked?
Many eyes. Internet techies watch what is going on.
False claims don't last for long.
DuckDuckGo Search Engine Gets Boost After PRISM Scandal
DuckDuckGo, a search engine that claims it gives its users complete
anonymity, has seen a 33 percent increase in users since the NSA news
broke over a week ago, said founder and CEO Gabriel Weinberg on CNBC's
Closing Bell Tuesday.
"We had zero inquiries (from government) and the reason for that is
because we don't store any data," Weinberg said. "So if they come to
us—which they know because it's in our privacy policy—we have nothing
to hand over, it's all anonymous data."
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