[ExI] Bitcoin

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Wed May 1 22:31:37 UTC 2013

Il 01/05/2013 01:08, Gordon ha scritto:
> Mirco,
>> if you group "by price" the list you can have a more concise view of the
>> market.
> Yes, I noticed that. One can in effect know everything there is know
> about the depth of the bitcoin market, at least at Mt.Gox. That is
> pretty extraordinary. 
> Have you tried to use this information to your advantage? 

I'm not a trader, I'm more a saver.
So I'm diversifying in Bitcoin after saving in physical gold and silver.

I just watched a video with Mike Maloney talking a bit about Bitcoin.
Apparently he is not pro but he is not against.
With a lot of others libertarians, gold/silver bugs he is (in my
opinion) starting to understanding how BTC work and how it can be useful.

This should bring a lot of investments not only in savings converted in
BTC but in capital invested in using Bitcoin to deliver goods and
services and in new goods and services.


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